Some cool changes have been happening at WRE this summer!

Route Bus Driver Needed

@wreagles footballers play 7 on 7 @ Kearney Catholic #footballiscoming

Some @wreagles @woodriverffa 4-H'ers #FridaysAtTheFair - @NTVsSteveWhite interviews kids at the Hall County Fair

The WRHS Cheerleaders will be offering the Jr Spirit Squad Camp again in August!

The Wood River Cross Country Team will be hosting a 5K Color Run Challenge on Friday, August 18th @ 8:15pm.

Proud of these Wood River Lady Eagles for graduating from the Youth Leadership Tomorrow Class #20! Great achievement!!

5th and 6th graders breaking a sweat playing Eagle Ball. #nostopping #wreagles

@wreagles 3rd and 4th graders trying out their skills on the last day of football camp. #wreagles

Some of the report cards for grades 6-11 had errors. All report cards will be reprinted and sent out by tomorrow. Sorry for the confusion.

@wreagles 7th and 8th graders learning some football drills and skills at camp today. #wreagles

Tickets are now on sale...come support our local food pantry!

Administrative Assistant Wanted @wreagles Middle/High school. Checkout the News at www.woodrivereagles.org for more info.

Lady @wreagles team basketball camp. Lots of teams and games. #getbetterintheoffseason

WRRSD is excited to offer an app for your phone! Go to your app store & search for Wood River Schools.

On July 1st, WRRSD will be transitioning to a new website! Take a look at: http://www.woodrivereagles.org.

Little Eagle Volleyball Players, just a reminder camp is this week: Tues. Wed. Thurs. the 13th-15th...
10:30-12:00 4th, 5th, 6th grades
1:00-2:00 1st, 2nd, 3rd grades
Go Eagles!!!

The boys' youth BB camp is going on at the HS this week! Here are the days & times:
Monday & Tuesday, June 12-13
7th & 8th Grades: 8:00-10:00am
K-2: 10:30-11:15am
3rd-6th Grades: 1:00-2:45pm

Youth camps going on. Learning the fundamentals! @wreagles

In the near future, be sure to check the school web page for upcoming athletic events for next year.